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Age: Adult
Mate: Brown Rory
Parents: Unknown
Gender: Female

Powers: This dragons' wings are pale pink, but brighten each day closer to Valentine's day. This minidragon is equally found as male and female. It loves to sing love songs, and eat anything the color pink, including bubblegum And jellybeans, among other things. And the strangest thing about this minidragon is its ability to act like cupid! It has the ability to sense true Love Between two People. If two People Are Right For Each Other, And this minidragon is around, it begins to sparkle with little pink lights. It helps bring close couples even closer. (First Place winner- 35 eggs.)


Age: Egg
Mate: None Yet!
Parents: Black Heart&Soul and Tan Koriant
Gender: Female
Color: Pink

Powers: This dragon is always female and has the power to become invisible. We do not know why this variation came to be, we speculate that it might be for better hunting skills. These dragons are highly intelligent and can repeat anything said verbatim.
