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Age: Adult
Mate: None yet
Parents: Aeternitas and Hades' clutch
Gender: Female
Powers: These dragons have a _strong_ telepathic with
some telekinetic ability as well.
Growing Pictures:
Mate Requirements: Aset seeks a minidragon who has a
good sense of humor. She also hopes that he will be kind and loving
to the children she'd like to have (and this includes egg-sitting!).

was the first of the minidragons to stay with me. He is special for
this reason, and always wonderful. Alake doesn't always listen to me,
but that's his desicion to make. Alake can usually be found sitting
on my shoulder. For care of Alake, I was given the award shown to the
Pale Blue (Air) Minidragon
Mate:Purple Trila
Parents: Billy and Flame
Age:Adult |

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