
You enter into a huge weyr. A green dragon and her rider
are siting near the fire. The rider is propped up against the dragon's
hide, writing something on a slate. The green dragon rumbles, looking
at you, and the rider looks up.
what is it? Oh. I see. We have a guest. Hello. I am Coyolxauhqui and this
here" and she nods at the green dragon, who watches you with an almost
annoyed glare "is Jamaranth. We had to modify the room somewhat to
make it work for two dragons, so if you look through that passgeway there,
you'll see Zooranith. That tiny passageway has been modified to hold my
bed and stuff. I guess you can look, if you want, but please fdon't move
anything around. If you'd like to see it, I've been keeping a journal
of sorts, like all the other riders and Candidates have been doing. You'll
find it on my bed. Dove might be in there- he like it better in there
then he does here. He's always compaining about drafts of air." She
smiles. 'This room is a little big for a green dragon and rider, but with
both dragons here it gets a little crowded." Through the passages
way, a blue snout shows. "Whoops. I'll be right back. Zooranith?
What is it?" Coyol leaves the room, heading for the passageway. Jamaranth
looks at you, eyes whiling with a hint of blue, and turns back to the
The Passageway
Jamaranth is from Dragon
cove adoptions. The necklace is from Circle