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:Hello,: a voice greets you, without sounding like the owner of the voice cares if you respond or not. :I am Ye!kia, and I'm guarding the wolf.:
:Here's wolf. Okay, nto a real wolf, a beanie.: Strange...the next one, a green pony with a purple mane, looks so reall.... :That's not a beanie, naturally,: Ye'kia tells you with a self-satisfied smirk. :That's a Mijado. Her name is Steam-running-through-the-leaves. A longer name then she herself, I daresay.: You nod your head in agreement as the little mijado neighs and sniffs your ankle with curiousity before stepping away from you. You spot what looks like another Mijado. However, he isa bit larger and more wild-looking, with spurs on his ankels. His drark brown hair flows as he gallops to Stream, sniffing her over before glaring at you and growling. :I't sokay,: Ye'kia says. :Just a traveler.: Then, to you- :His name is simply Haze, Davirth. He's not a mijado, in case that's what you were thingking; he's a Nuriep. They're a bit different.: Comparing the two, you can see that even their tails are different. You wonder what made you think they were the same. Two more Nurieps join the two. These seem to be opposites of blue and white- where one has one the other has blue, and vice versa. The blue mare snorts in disgust at you; the one one nods her head, polite, her blue braid jangling as she does so. Then they are finished paying attention to you and gather quietly with Haze. :They are Kisarl and Jangli, in that order, meaning Waterfall and Wind in the language of the Pack. Messenger-language, that is. The two mares of Davirth's Herd.: :They're from Here,: Ye'kia tells you.
Ye!kia was drawn by Talonshawk. The real Mahnon Pah'llocks are from here. Go back to the pasture.