"Halt, traveller!" commands a silvery female voice. You turn
in the direction the voive came from to see a blue-and-white unicorn
is a great hurry to get to you. Her smooth white horn looks sharp, too.
You back up a few steps. But as she nears you, all she does is sniff
you calmly and then burst into laughter.
"Welcome to the Lands of the Shexlin'mirith," she says her
voice muffled by the laughter, "and I hope you enjoy your visit."
Finally she calms, then continues. "In all seriousness, welcome.
My name is Dievlasha. The Shexlin'mirith is a painted unicorn herd,
you see. I am the Lead mare, and my half-brother, Miranath, is the Lead
Stallion here.
"A Charity is about like a herd, in case you were wondering. The
original herds were the Turrandoti, "Thunder Hooves," and
the Tetheran, "Crystal Flight". All of us are decendants from
these herds. I myself am the daughter of Natheyiv, the lead stallion
of the Tetheran, and Kiaflis, one of the mares of the Tetheran. Miranath's
parents were my father and Morvethes."
"Feel free to browse through our lands. We haven't much of a history
yet- after all, this charity just formed- but I'm sure that eventaully
we will have quite a bit to tell you about ourselves. If any painted
unicorns would like to join, just send us your name and home address.
You can use the button to the right to reach me."