As you are looking among the bookcases, most half empty, you notice one top shelp has a hole down which a small ladder is propped. You walk toward it to investigate, but suddenly a large yellow minidragon reeps out at you from the top shelf, hissing. "Gallin, stop that! The visitor was only curious!" Asyria is out by the window, glaring fiercly at the yellow 'dragon. He peers at you again, as if judging you, then gives a wing shrug. :Sorry Visitor; it's just that we moved in recenty an don't want anyone to jepordize the little haven we've built up! As long as you're not going to take anything, I'd be happy to give you a small tour.: He flies off the shelf and ove your head, then dissapears behind the rows of bookcases. A smaller brown form lands on the second-to top shelf and eyes you.:Don't worry, Gallin will be back soon, he's just looking for a bench. To be more exact, convincing Asyria to move the big blocky bench-thing, as we're far too small to move it ourselves.: You wait and finally Asyria shows up with a library-style bench, designed to stand on so one can reach the higher shelves. She grins. "These are my two troublemakers, the Yellow Gallin," she gestures to the large yellow, who bows formally, "an the Brown Mercuthen." Not to be outdone, the small brown bows as well. "Both of them were from wild clutches, Mercthen being from the Fen Sands and Gallin being from the Kalenik Sands. I'll leave tem to tell you more." She walks over to another bookcase where she begins to unpack a crate of books. Gallin waves his wing to command your attention to their home. Standin on the bench, you can see that the home is filled with many old but soft pillows, and has a small quill and blank book. A single candleholder made of silver holds a half-burnt, vanilla-scented candle. You also not e some sealing wax and two tiny bags, one brown, the other gold. :That's where we keep our change,: Gallin tells you with a mindgrin. :The lower floor is our writing materials and the upper floor is where we sleep. My pillow is blue and Mercuthen's is red. Like it? We had to convince Asyria to build this section especially for US.: Mercuthen grins at Gallin's statement and hastens to add, "I'v e learned to write and I keep all of our stories in that book over there. Gallin wanted to lear, too, but he was afriad that if so Asyria woul make Gallin do record-keeping work.:
:I will miss her,: Tatum says sadly, :but she could not take us with her.: :Some information about us can be found in the Minidragon Journal, if you are interested. .: |