Asyria clucks her tounge as she dusts a bookcase in this room. "So new and dust already! This place may never be completed...I found that winter minidragon I was speaking of! She's a Seraph and she's sitting over there on the pillows."
You look at the bookcase again. The bottom 8 shelves are filled with old, dusty books, but the top shelf is filled with purple cusioning. Staning on tiptoe, you manange to peer into the spot. It's fairly empty, but it does contain a sleeping minidragon, a picture of Asyria , and a tiny stuffed animal that somehow doesn't resemble a minidragon. Asyria grins. "That's a gift from a friend, and it's from Kyloran Island. They have these creatures there called drakes, and I guess that's about what they look like. I was given it on New Year's Day." You ask about the minidragon. The sleeping minidragon's name is Arira and she's a seraph minidragon. I've just bonded with her but she seems like the quiet type, although she's not shy. She spends a lot of time out in the snow during the day, and the night is usually spent here or with my other minidragons. In the dark, she glows slightly." Asyria smiles and reaches out to stroke the minidragon, but changes her mind with some reluctance. "We'd better let her get some sleep." You peer at the tiny dragon's golden halo and back away, slowly, as if the slightest noise might awaken her. Suddenly, a brown form swoops in and lands with a soft grace on the shelf. In suprise you jump back and look guiltily as your jump stirrs the Seraph. The brown mini looks at the Seraph, then at you. :I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cuase any trouble.: He settles down, grooming one wing. :I'm Mephi, and I presume you've already been introduced to Arira. By the way, I have found a mate! She is a wonderful brown named Flirtatious.:
:You were the one who found your way here,: says Mephi, :and how could I deny you, my love, anything?: Arira and Mephi's Info is in the journal. (By the way, the reason Arira's on that dark background is becuse she was dissapearing into the normal background!) |