You are browsing through the empty shelves in Asyria's library whe you notice that along the walls, above the large bay windows, are some smaller windows with purple cushioning. You decide to ask Asyria about it. "Those?" She smile sslightl, and you can tell she's holding back a chuckle. "I told you there might be more minidragons in the lodge one day. Of couse there's plenty of niches for minidragons." You peer up at one on the tiny window homes. Against the window is what looks like a miniature fireplace, stocked with small amounts of blocks. You guess by their shape that they're not wood. Asyria confirms this. "Wood burns too quickly, especially small twigs, and could be dangerous. I asked Vera..she's a mage...she designed this stuff with a single pebble and some magic. It'll burn for twelve hours with a tiny flame- depending on the stone used, it could be a blue or green flame!- before she'll have to recharge it, and I don't think the minis will need the fire that often. If they do, I always have plenty of candles. Suddenly she smiles and hides her hands. When she waves one open, the other is holding a sleepy blue mini. "That's a healer mini, isn't it?" You ask her. "Yes, it is," she says. "His name is Amber." She smiles, and the small mini yawns, showing a suprisingly pink mouth with tiny white teeth. Suddenly two minidragon appear out of the blue, landing on her shoulders.
:Light,: says the second very quietly. His body is a shimmering white rainbow and his wings glimmer like water. He seems slightly distracted by something. "There two are very special minidragons," Asyria tells you. "And rare. Shadow is an eclipse minidragon, and Light is a spirit minidragon." "I've never herd of those types before."